Happy & Healthy During Lock Down With Moor Fitness

by Paul Edmunds on January 14, 2021

The coronavirus pandemic is impacting all of our lives.  During this, the third National lockdown, we want to bring you some uplifting blogs and videos to help you stay Happy and Healthy during these unusual times.

We have worked with some fantastic local individuals to share some ideas of what you can do from the comfort of your own home. 

For the first in this series we have worked with the rather wonderful (super fit) Tara, from Moor Fitness based in Yelverton.  Tara has kindly made two, 10 minute videos, to help keep your body fit and flexible during lockdown. 

The first video focusses on mobilization, it is great to do in the morning or evening to loosen up those joints.  For those of you wanting more you can follow on with Tara’s second video, a 10 minute Hit workout. 

Who is Tara?

Best described as a little ball of energy, Tara is from Plymouth and now lives in Yelverton, Devon.  It is from here that Tara runs Moor Fitness. 

At 17, Tara walked into the military’s careers office on a whim to see what they had to offer.  After a rigorous selection process, Tara (all 5 foot of her) was selected to train as a Personal Training Instructor.  It is there that she honed her skills which later enabled Tara to establish Moor Fitness when she left the forces.   Tara’s claim to fame is that she once trained Prince Harry.   

Tara is a tough cookie who loves a challenge.  She is happiest when working out with her Moor Fitness community.  Like many of us, Tara has found the last 10 months pretty hard, juggling home schooling whilst running her own business.  She misses the company of others, but has done her best to reach out to people, keeping her classes active in new ways during lockdown.

Not only is Tara an amazing Personal Trainer (I know my friends keep telling me so), she is also qualified as a level 5 masseuse and in sports nutrition. 

  1. Avoid the news, listen to the rules and regulations but try to avoid the rest. It helps keep your mind positive.
  2. Keep records of your achievements. Make a note of what you want to achieve and record your progress at regular intervals.  It really helps you stay on track and keep motivated.
  3. Exercise, it releases endorphins, helping to keep you happy and healthier. Approach all exercise with a positive mindset, it makes a big difference to how you do.  Keep your body on its toes, it will naturally want to take the easiest course, just like a river. Don’t allow it to cheat and don’t overplan it - just enjoy.
  4. Spice your diet up, don’t do the same thing all the time. Changes to what you eat and when can really help speed up your metabolism.  For example have lunch for breakfast and breakfast for lunch.


Tara’s Top Tips

We asked Tara what her top tips were to stay happy and healthy during lockdown:

If you would like to find out more or want to check out Moor Fitness classes, you can find Tara via facebook https://www.facebook.com/EFFORTMEANSRESULTS/

Personally I haven’t been brave enough to join Tara’s classes yet, however I have many friends who do go and really enjoy them.  For now, I hope you will join me in trying out these two short exercise videos.  I’m determined to work off my lockdown gain.  Who knows I may even be joining Moor Fitness in the not too distant future.

Hope you enjoy the first in this series. 

Stay safe,
